Monday, May 26, 2014

Prophecy Link, Big June

      A Voice Declaring: “Big JUNE!” the rise of the anti-Christ, unto the first resurrection saints on the map 05/02/2011 (see 1970, Elvis Presley, invasions on American soil)

     A Voice Declaring: “May Trials,” the fall of peace and safety continually on the map 03/04/2010

     A Voice Declaring: May trials, the number 17, 05/11/2011, my 17th prophecy link of 1998 was a dream about war on American soil, an enemy of Arab descent, A Voice declaring: “”Warsaw,” (see Sept 11th attacks, Warsaw Poland)

     A Voice Declaring: “Number 17 and 18, 05/27/2011, my 18th prophecy link 1998 was a dream about war on American Soil, an enemy of Asian descent, an Asian invasion,

Light Hath Come, JCON                                                                                        

     Do You Love Your Children More?                                   05/26/2014                                                                                                                   
     -Now that I’m reading an additional article when our described by Info-wars psyco kids commit mass murder, I know just another pro, con argument regarding guns for all of you, forget the fact he's only one of millions, poised to act accordingly. Though to this end time Apostle I can’t help but believe Americans, momentarily, with the church bride as merciful and forgiving as its Bride Groom here as well, that they’re all captured into at least three reoccurring dreams and this is one of them.  I found myself rather offended when I read only a few of the comments regarding this again reoccurring nightmare scenario of how merciless that this system of Iron (godless)Men, at claiming another innocent victim, this young man, now imagine being a so called fly on that wall, all the indescribable ‘if onlies.’

     -This is what this young shooter is here, just as the young people he slaughtered, that the Holy Spirit through especially the Rising Above Ministry (RAM) has been warning Americans, that a long as they allow this beyond description technical war namely the American dream.  That as long as they supplement this dehumanizing virus of a world system at literally infecting every facet of their children lives it would for both parents and grand-parents be nothing less than enacting a manner of domestic homicide, a gun to the head manner of man slaughter against them all. 

     -Truly when we witness the type of Jesus Christ, described to the prophet Daniel, how the harrowing without imagination events which were to affect his people wouldn’t be for many days, a times, times and a half, that knowledge (abominations, wicked devices), shall increase. Of course thinking this is a good thing, little did they know this knowledge (tree of the knowledge of good and evil), would act as it had down through various others dispensations, as more and even more than enough rope that unrepentant mankind on this continuous bases hang themselves to death and after that the judgment (damnation).

     -Frightfully, by the time a child reach this manner of mindset, like the head is under water (the American Dream), yes but they seem to survive it all.  When just as soon they come up for humanity sake and here ensues the harsh reality that even their overseers (parents, instructors and psychiatrists), can’t rightly deal with.  Let alone these broken, even shattered from birth, from the heart, head children, birth into death and judgment honesty they’re all of them on this fast pace road so doomed.

     -This is why I received a dream recently regarding a prayer for teens and years prior where I witnessed graduating tassels being used as toe tags for the dead.  Though the most extraordinary dream of all was right before the 2010 Chilean earthquake, in the dream we were burying our children and our grandchildren alive. Oddly, they were looking at us and we were looking at them and we were burying them alive,. Correctly, another, even more heinous form of domestic homicide, even terrorism, but in this instance we, the parents, overseers actually were fully aware of what we were doing, meaning years and years of forewarning that went unheard. 

     -I mean really, for how long now have we known America or the American Dream is nothing less than a death trap for us and especially the children, that assemblies themselves are no more than dens of Satanic to Demonic thieves, (where Satan's Seat is).  So much so,  if Satan and the fallen, as so demons are to have one place on this earth, where they will have pleasure, feed and decimate as an entire its America. You may then ask, why? That’s easy, because America has shown for centuries how they're willing to make the less sacrifices, how they've  become experts and even professionals at sacrificing others for their own gain, (choose death die, choose life, (sacrifice), live, Lk. 9:24), this is why, American blood guiltiness alone outweighs all nations on this planet.

     -There’s only one manner of therapist for the children, remember Abraham and Isaac? That this believing father was willing to a fault of unimaginable anguish to sacrifice his son and God after witnessing this fathers inconceivable trustworthiness supplied him a type of Jesus Christ offering.  How this is now Jesus suggesting you too make the greatest sacrifice of all, by making the greatest sacrifice of your children and bring them to Him, to mankind’s single blessed hope.  Don’t you all see and thus understand? It was never real, all things existing on this planet that has become nothing but a nemesis to Christ’s Cross, with God cursing unbelievers with strong delusions, it is then a clever illusion of Satan. This artificial lending namely the entire free world were every time there's a horror of this manner it's to ring in the infamous inquiry, do you love me (Jesus), your children more?

   -Henceforth making this manner of sweet sacrifice of your children is what Elohim describes as training them up in the way in which they should go, that when they’re aged they will not depart from it.  This then mean one of two things, you’re either going to have to free your home of all these dehumanizing devices deigned modern technology, or you’re going to have to free them of this dehumanizing nation, of America, meaning escape.  Of course,  In other words you're going to have get to get them to alters of repentance, those in your knees, on the tip of your tongue, your closets, or a true spirit fill church somewhere, even if you ahve to relocate. I’ve been seeing and ministering this truth to you all for nearly two decades, America or the American Dream is not a place to raise children, it has always been Satanic, that now because of unforeseen apostasy on a daily, no hourly basics become more and more anti-Christ, God and Humanity (children).

     -I was watching TV as I learn a Falling skies Marathon is on today, (05/26/2014), I’ve grown beyond sick watching that mankind forsaking God, heartbreakingly trying to make sense of this country and this world without HIM. So the only thing I can tolerate the little I watch TV is something possibly supernatural/ paranormal (Resurrection), sci-fi (Face Off), or reality (the Weather Channel).  For those who don’t know, Falling Skies is a TV series about mankind’s warring against Aliens, about saving themselves mankind like so, if only their enemy, their pending apocalypse was this visible and this reality so virtual. Although the truth about such series and movies is mankind at least know they're in a battle they never could have fought nor won because they fight not against flesh and blood but against a victorious from creation and thus blood and birth reigning supreme enemy, with as we speak staggering beyond description death tolls, even themselves.   

     -I like to think something similar was the war so oblivious to mankind Jesus was describing to the religious leaders in their beyond ridiculous attempt to judge He and the disciples according to unwashed hands, (Mat. 15:11-20).  Jesus here proceeded to explain to them that it wasn’t that which went into man (unto physical digestion) that which defile the man.  Though was there this one single evil, laying somewhat dormant just inside the heart, the blood even the blood lineage.  How it alone is what provokes the man, despite what kind of man he’s at an attempt to become, there is this lying in wait wickedness prowling about mankind very blood heir seeking to perform itself somewhat other than godly, the ever potential Cain, beware, Apb, The RAM 

     - Hench forth, take a human trait corrupted like so, one additionally inundated heart, mind and even soul (spirit), through and through by additive manners of conveniences (devious transmissions) at continually discovering nothing but a manner of pending holocaust all its own.  That the only way to prevent it, you, mankind, by the blood of this especial crucified, risen and ascended for all mankind Lord, are to repent. I know, it’s hard to realize but America, even the free world acting as this world’s foster parents, even surrogate, if it’s possible that it’s to have any manner of good, that people are to by this dispensation of grace realize the obvious and find their way back to the God of Heaven, Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, that time, even now by every second of the day, has passed.     

     -This Apostle know, you’ve covered your eyes, ears and mouth (the heart), for so long, there is no way you’re to see, hear or even speak of the man-made disaster I’m describing here of you and yours.  Nearly, well to be honest over fifteen years ago I created the work came to be named and populated about especially the title twilight.  I’m not telling you this because I expect some type of Royalty, only that the idea or concept of this storyline originated here, by the Holy Spirits. Before this work, movies with teen characters of this manner, or even TV characters of this manner did not exist, very seldom were they even portrayed in soap Opera’s as they are at present.

    -Right now, when you read especially the beginning of this work, Preece Ebonee Be’le, it read like a scene out of the Twilight Saga, only I created this work, and posted it on line at least a decade or more prior.  The young Juttah I created weren’t vampires, they were young marriage worshipers (God), who’d by God, because of their unimaginable trust and worship been granted a 20 year extension of Grace.  Just as so this unlimited favor at God creating parts of Africa again into an Eden paradise and by catastrophes like portrayed in the 2012 movie, that likeso by Mega Transforming ships, that likeso migrating especially the young Juttah, into what I named the African Juttah,  with none believers into African islands Madagascar, justly, like portrayed in the 2012 movie.

   -This is why when I learn years passed about Libya’s leader Qaddafi’s creating a United States Of Africa, with enough gold to make it all possible, this really got my attention.   I don’t know if it was the fact the work was centered around young God and thus marriage worshipers, or that it spelled an entire end to this world greatest nation ever, even the lying, murdering, monstrous whore it is at present. Or that the work was by an unknown, but how known was Twilight’s author before she copied my work and changed something glorious into something engagingly Satanic and thus damning? It’s all prof that mankind truly is that fallen from God's grace in the beginning, that there is no good in him, no good for his fellow man.

 -That anything portrayed as good (righteous), is to be snuffed out by the vicious, quite turbulent forces of diplomacy and religion (these types of godliness all having denied the power, the divine intervention of holiness and sanctification, thereof). I get it, good don’t sell as well as devilment right? Not unless at its root is this persistent human slayer, this insurmountable blood guiltiness pretending to be justice and freedom for all. The hearts of man are darker than dark, they’re black and it’s a beneficial living, even a suitable lechery upon which they’ve become accustomed, thus Jesus at end synopsis of it all, admitting light (the light which leadeth to life eternal) hath come, but men love darkness (overall Malignancy ), because their deeds (works of the flesh), are evil (of wicked devices continuously).

    Come out of her my people (creation), that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues, for her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Rev. 18th chapter   

     That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

The Royal Priesthood, Blood Redeemed Mankind,  

      But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. I Pet. 2:9, 10

Prophecy Link

     I was standing over my stove, I was cooking when suddenly the Holy Spirit began speaking to me, how soon we, the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them.  03/17/2011

For Salvation Pray:

     I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again

Give at to

Listening to: John Starnes: Midnight Cry

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us all the Victory

Behold: The Spirit And The Bride say come

A Ministry Above

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